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Nashi Store Roma Eur

Nashi Store Roma Eur is the fifth concept store opened by Nashi Argan in 2016 inside Euroma2, the largest mall in the city set in the fascinating Eur district and visited every year by about 10 million visitors. The Store was created to flank the numerous salon retailers present in the Capital and to offer #NashiLovers an exclusive place where they can participate in the life of the Brand. Come and discover a unique and elegant environment where everything is dedicated to you and your questions find quality answers.
Viale dell'Oceano Pacifico 83, 00144, Roma (RM)
0645 753850

Mon-Sun: 10:00 – 21:00

A walk around the Nashi Store Roma Eur

The EuRoma2 mall, which hosts the Store, is located in Eur, an elegant area of great architectural and academic interest and the seat of important companies, both public and private. A walk through the district will be an opportunity to discover many masterpieces of 19th-century architecture, such as the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, the Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana or ‘Square Colosseum’ and the Marconi obelisk. In just a few metro stops, then, you can immerse yourself in the heart of the Eternal City and let yourself be enraptured by evocative and unrepeatable views.

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