Nashi Store Roma Maximo

Nashi Store Roma Maximo is the tenth concept store opened by Nashi Argan in 2020 inside the brand new Maximo shopping centre, one of the biggest in the capital which already promises to be an obligatory stop for shopping lovers.
The store was created to flank the other three already present in the capital and much loved by #NashiLovers, to offer them a new location in which to participate in the life of the Brand.
Come and discover a unique and elegant environment where everything is dedicated to you and your questions find quality answers.

Mon-Sun: 10:00 – 22:00

A walk around the Nashi Store Roma Maximo

The new Maximo shopping centre, located near the Grande Raccordo Anulare, is the third largest in the capital and is a shopping mecca in Rome: it covers 60,000 square metres and has 170 shops, including 30 bars, restaurants and street food outlets. There is a UCI Cinema multiplex, a gymnasium and many other facilities.
Check out more Nashi Store

Nashi Store offers itself as an exclusive place to transform expectation into pleasure and where to find essential travel kits to always carry the Nashi experience with you. Discover all our official stores and retailers where to find the Nashi lines.