NASHI ARGAN S.R.L., a company subject to the direction and coordination of LANDOLL S.R.L., with head office in Viale Bianca Maria, 41 – 20122 Milano CF and VAT number 00195480199, makes available to customers who wish to take advantage of discounts, benefits and services at the “Nashi Argan” shops.
In order to take advantage of such benefits it is necessary to subscribe to the “NashiLovers Club”: the subscription to the “NashiLovers Club” (hereafter “NashiLovers Club”) is governed by the following conditions (hereafter also “Regulations”) that the “Receiving Customer” will have to read carefully.
Enrolment in the “NashiLovers Club”, in the manner set out in paragraph 6 below, implies the Client’s acceptance of the present Rules. Nashi Argan S.R.L. reserves the right to modify periodically, even partially, the present conditions, and the relative modifications will come into force after 10 (ten) consecutive days from their publication on
In the event that the ‘Receiving Customer’ does not accept the modifications made, they will have the right to cancel their registration, a right which, in any case, they are entitled to at any time according to what is specified below. The participation in the NashiLovers Club, after the entry into force of the modifications, implies, however, the acceptance, by conclusive facts, of the modifications made. Nashi Argan S.R.L. also reserves the right to suspend, temporarily or definitively, at any time, the present loyalty programme, without the Customer being able to complain about it (subject only to the respect of the rights already acquired by the participants at that moment), by giving notice on its website and/or at the points of sale adhering to the initiative.