fbpx NashiLovers Club Rules & Regulations - Nashi Argan

NashiLovers Club Rules


NASHI ARGAN S.R.L., a company subject to the direction and coordination of LANDOLL S.R.L., with head office in Viale Bianca Maria, 41 – 20122 Milano CF and VAT number 00195480199, makes available to customers who wish to take advantage of discounts, benefits and services at the “Nashi Argan” shops.

In order to take advantage of such benefits it is necessary to subscribe to the “NashiLovers Club”: the subscription to the “NashiLovers Club” (hereafter “NashiLovers Club”) is governed by the following conditions (hereafter also “Regulations”) that the “Receiving Customer” will have to read carefully.

Enrolment in the “NashiLovers Club”, in the manner set out in paragraph 6 below, implies the Client’s acceptance of the present Rules. Nashi Argan S.R.L. reserves the right to modify periodically, even partially, the present conditions, and the relative modifications will come into force after 10 (ten) consecutive days from their publication on www.nashiargan.it.

In the event that the ‘Receiving Customer’ does not accept the modifications made, they will have the right to cancel their registration, a right which, in any case, they are entitled to at any time according to what is specified below. The participation in the NashiLovers Club, after the entry into force of the modifications, implies, however, the acceptance, by conclusive facts, of the modifications made. Nashi Argan S.R.L. also reserves the right to suspend, temporarily or definitively, at any time, the present loyalty programme, without the Customer being able to complain about it (subject only to the respect of the rights already acquired by the participants at that moment), by giving notice on its website www.nashiargan.it and/or at the points of sale adhering to the initiative.

1. Promoter

NASHI ARGAN S.R.L., a company subject to management and coordination by LANDOLL S.R.L, with registered office in Viale Bianca Maria, 41 – 20122 Milan CF and VAT number 00195480199.

2. Participants

All “Nashi Argan” shops directly managed by Nashi Argan S.R.L. (so-called “direct shops”).

The list of the shops adhering to the initiative can be seen below:

  1. Nashi Store Milano Dante – Via Dante 3, 20123, Milano (MI)
  2. Nashi Store Parma – Strada della Repubblica 24, 43121, Parma (PR)
  3. Nashi Store Oriocenter – Via Portico 71 – CC OrioCenter, 24050, Orio al Serio (BG)
  4. Nashi Store Firenze – Via dei Lamberti 1, 50123, Firenze (FI)
  5. Nashi Store EuRoma 2 – Viale dell’Oceano Pacifico 83 – EuRoma2, 00144, Roma (RM)
  6. Nashi Store Torino – Via Giuseppe Luigi Lagrange 11H, 10123, Torino (TO)
  7. Nashi Store Roma Frattina – Via Frattina 85, 00187, Roma (RO)
  8. Nashi Store Bologna – Via d’Azeglio 10C, 40124, Bologna (BO)
  9. Nashi Store Roma Termini – Piazza dei Cinquecento 1 – Termini, 00185, Roma (RM)
  10. Nashi Store Roma Maximo – Via Laurentina 865 – Maximo Shopping Center, 00143, Roma (RM)
  11. Nashi Salon CityLife – c/o CityLife Shopping District, 20145, Milano (MI)
  12. Nashi Salon Porta Genova – Via Vigevano 32, 20144, Milano (MI)
  13. Nashi Store Genova – Via XX Settembre 199, 16121, Genova (GE)
  14. Nashi Store Como – Via Bernardino Luini 32, 22100, Como (CO)
  15. Nashi Salon Corso Vercelli – Corso Vercelli 11, 20144, Milano (MI)
  16. Nashi Store Treviso – Calmaggiore 15, 31100, Treviso (TV)
  17. Nashi Store Forte dei Marmi – Via Giuseppe Mazzini 8 A, 55042, Forte dei Marmi (LU)
  18. Nashi Store Assago Milanofiori – Viale Milanofiori – CC Milanofiori, 20057, MIlano (MI)
  19. Nashi Store Vicenza – Corso Andrea Palladio 73, 36100, Vicenza (VI)
  20. Nashi Salon Porta Venezia – Corso Buenos Aires 1, 20124, Milano (MI)
  21. Nashi Store Arese – Il Centro, Via Giuseppe Eugenio Luraghi 11, 20020, Milano (MI)
  22. Nashi Store Merlata Bloom – Via Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler 61, 20151, Cascina Merlata (MI)
  23. Nashi Store Padova – Via Roma 52, 35122, Padova (PD)
  24. Nashi Store Catania – Via Etnea 121, 95131, Catania (CT)
  25. Nashi Store Porta di Roma – Via Alberto Lionello 201 – CC Porta di Roma, 00139, Roma (RM)
  26. Nashi Store Varese – Corso Matteotti 45, 21100, Varese (VA)
  27. Nashi Store Palermo – Via Ruggiero Settimo 77, 90139, Palermo (PA)
  28. Nashi Store Nave de Vero – Via Pietro Arduino 20 – CC Nave de Vero, 30175, Venezia (VE)
  29. Nashi Store Maximall Pompeii – Via Plinio 54 – MaxiMall Pompeii, 80058, Torre Annunziata (NA)
  30. Nashi Store Bolzano – Via dei Portici 71, 39100, Bolzano (BZ)
  31. Nashi Store Modena – Via Emilia Centro 136, 41121, Modena (MO)

3. Territory

Italian national territory.

4. Type / name / purpose of the initiative / duration.

This is a promotional initiative consisting of a loyalty programme that involves collecting points and granting exclusive advantages to holders. The purpose of the initiative is to build Customer loyalty through a loyalty programme that grants advantages to Customers. Without prejudice to what is stated in the preamble, point 7 (“Operating procedures”) and point 10 (“Interruption of the programme”), this initiative will have a duration of 5 years from 23.02.2023 to 22.02.2028.

5. Recipients

End customers over 18 years of age who are registered with the “NashiLovers Club” in accordance with the registration and operating procedures set out below.

6. Registration modalities

Registration in the “NashiLovers Club” loyalty programme will require the creation of a specific account. Registration in the “NashiLovers Club” loyalty programme can take place directly at the point of sale. Registration takes place in accordance with privacy regulations. Each customer may not register more than once during the period of validity of this initiative.

Registration in the “NashiLovers Club” is for private and non-commercial use only.

The customer can freely request to be deleted from the loyalty programme at any time by contacting customer care at nashi@nashiargan.it or at a point of sale.

7. How it works

Registration in the loyalty programme “NashiLovers Club” will give the customer the opportunity to reach 3 different levels by accumulating points on purchases. Depending on which level the customer belongs to, the client will receive increasing rewards.

From the day the customer starts collecting points (the ‘Start Date’) the journey in the ‘NashiLovers Club’ begins.

During the first 12 months:

1st Level: NashiLover

If in the first 12 months from the ‘Start date’ she collects up to 249 points the customer belongs to the level ‘NashiLover’. After 12 months from the ‘Start Date’ the customer’s points will be reset to zero but the customer will keep the ‘NashiLover’ level for the next 12 months unless he manages to move up a level.

In fact if:

between the 12th and 24th month the customer reaches at least 250 points then te client will gain the level ‘NashiAddicted’.
If between the 12th and 24th month the customer reaches at least 500 points then the client will earn the level “NashiVIP”.

2nd Level: NashiAddicted

If in the first 12 months after the “Start date” the client collects up to 499 points the customer belongs to the level “NashiAddicted”. After 12 months from the “Start Date” the customer’s points will be reset to zero but the client will keep the “NashiAddicted” level for the next 12 months unless the client manages to move up a level.

In fact if:

between the 12th and 24th month the customer reaches at least 500 points then the client will earn the level ‘NashiVIP’.

3rd Level: NashiVIP

If in the first 12 months after the “Start Date” the customer collects at least 500 points he belongs to the “NashiVIP” level. After 12 months from the ‘Start Date’ the customer’s points will be reset to zero but the client will retain the ‘NashiVIP’ level for the next 12 months.

For each subsequent year, the customer will retain the level earned in the previous year.

Communications relating to the change of level as well as those relating to participation in the loyalty programme (such as, for example, confirmation of enrolment/cancellation, allocation of dedicated discounts or reserved gifts) are to be understood as necessary for the running of the programme itself. Therefore, with the request of registration to the “NashiLovers Club” the Client consents to receive such communications, which will be transmitted to the addresses indicated in the registration form for the programme. The refusal to receive such communications implies the impossibility for Nashi Argan S.R.L. to carry out the program and to supply the services connected to it. An eventual refusal expressed during the course of the programme will imply its automatic interruption.

8. Points acquisition

Loyalty points will be automatically loaded on the Client’s profile at every purchase in one of the “Nashi Argan” sales points adhering to the initiative, in the measure of one point for every euro spent rounded down (example 1,99 € = 1 point). In order to be entitled to the points, the Customer must identify themself before issuing the receipt by indicating their surname and first name or the e-mail address provided for registration. Failure to identify oneself in the manner indicated above will not allow the points to be loaded, nor will it be possible to load them later. The Customer will be able in every moment to know their own accumulated points balance requesting it at any of the “Nashi Argan” points of sale adhering to the initiative, contacting the customer care at the email nashi@nashiargan.it. The points will be loaded and counted by the system daily; in case of technical unforeseen events they can be loaded within a longer period of maximum 15 days. Returns will result in points being debited in the same way as were credited. accumulated points cannot be transferred or converted into cash or products.

8.a Points collection and benefits

Customers registered in the “NashiLovers Club” will be able to collect points through purchases made in the sales points indicated in the table below.

  1. Nashi Store Milano Dante – Via Dante 3, 20123, Milano (MI)
  2. Nashi Store Parma – Strada della Repubblica 24, 43121, Parma (PR)
  3. Nashi Store Oriocenter – Via Portico 71 – CC OrioCenter, 24050, Orio al Serio (BG)
  4. Nashi Store Firenze – Via dei Lamberti 1, 50123, Firenze (FI)
  5. Nashi Store EuRoma 2 – Viale dell’Oceano Pacifico 83 – EuRoma2, 00144, Roma (RM)
  6. Nashi Store Torino – Via Giuseppe Luigi Lagrange 11H, 10123, Torino (TO)
  7. Nashi Store Roma Frattina – Via Frattina 85, 00187, Roma (RO)
  8. Nashi Store Bologna – Via d’Azeglio 10C, 40124, Bologna (BO)
  9. Nashi Store Roma Termini – Piazza dei Cinquecento 1 – Termini, 00185, Roma (RM)
  10. Nashi Store Roma Maximo – Via Laurentina 865 – Maximo Shopping Center, 00143, Roma (RM)
  11. Nashi Salon CityLife – c/o CityLife Shopping District, 20145, Milano (MI)
  12. Nashi Salon Porta Genova – Via Vigevano 32, 20144, Milano (MI)
  13. Nashi Store Genova – Via XX Settembre 199, 16121, Genova (GE)
  14. Nashi Store Como – Via Bernardino Luini 32, 22100, Como (CO)
  15. Nashi Salon Corso Vercelli – Corso Vercelli 11, 20144, Milano (MI)
  16. Nashi Store Treviso – Calmaggiore 15, 31100, Treviso (TV)
  17. Nashi Store Forte dei Marmi – Via Giuseppe Mazzini 8 A, 55042, Forte dei Marmi (LU)
  18. Nashi Store Assago Milanofiori – Viale Milanofiori – CC Milanofiori, 20057, MIlano (MI)
  19. Nashi Store Vicenza – Corso Andrea Palladio 73, 36100, Vicenza (VI)
  20. Nashi Salon Porta Venezia – Corso Buenos Aires 1, 20124, Milano (MI)
  21. Nashi Store Arese – Il Centro, Via Giuseppe Eugenio Luraghi 11, 20020, Milano (MI)
  22. Nashi Store Merlata Bloom – Via Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler 61, 20151, Cascina Merlata (MI)
  23. Nashi Store Padova – Via Roma 52, 35122, Padova (PD)
  24. Nashi Store Catania – Via Etnea 121, 95131, Catania (CT)
  25. Nashi Store Porta di Roma – Via Alberto Lionello 201 – CC Porta di Roma, 00139, Roma (RM)
  26. Nashi Store Varese – Corso Matteotti 45, 21100, Varese (VA)
  27. Nashi Store Palermo – Via Ruggiero Settimo 77, 90139, Palermo (PA)
  28. Nashi Store Nave de Vero – Via Pietro Arduino 20 – CC Nave de Vero, 30175, Venezia (VE)
  29. Nashi Store Maximall Pompeii – Via Plinio 54 – MaxiMall Pompeii, 80058, Torre Annunziata (NA)
  30. Nashi Store Bolzano – Via dei Portici 71, 39100, Bolzano (BZ)
  31. Nashi Store Modena – Via Emilia Centro 136, 41121, Modena (MO)

The collection of the aforesaid points will allow the crediting of the same for the achievement of the level and the fruition of the prizes foreseen by the present regulations in the Italian national territory.

9. Advantages

Customers registered in the “NashiLovers Club” will be able to benefit from numerous discounts, promotional operations, prize operations and special dedicated initiatives, which will be adequately publicised and communicated from time to time. In particular, the following discounts are defined as of now:

For all Levels:

Every 250 or more points accumulated, issue of a 10% discount coupon, to be used within 60 days of its issue date, on a single purchase (in the stores) and excluding items on sale

For members of the ‘NashiLover’ level:

On the occasion of their Birthday they will be entitled to a 10% discount, to be used 7 days before or 7 days after the date of the birthday, on a single purchase (at the point of sale), excluding sale items;

For members of the ‘NashiAddicted’ level:

On the occasion of their birthday they will be entitled to 15% discount, to be used 7 days before or 7 days after the birthday date, on a single purchase (at the point of sale), excluding sale items;

For members of the ‘NashiVIP’ level:

On the occasion of their Birthday they will be entitled to 20% discount, to be used 7 days before or 7 days after the date of the birthday, on a single purchase (in the points of sale), excluding sale items;

10. Interruption, modification or suspension of the Programme

Nashi Argan S.R.L. reserves the right to modify, suspend or interrupt the loyalty programme “NashiLovers Club” at any time and at its own discretion.

Notice of such modifications, suspensions or interruptions will be given through the insertion of an appropriate notice on the website www.nashiargan.it and/or in the points of sale adhering to the initiative.

Without prejudice to any other right provided by law, including the right to compensation for damages, Nashi Argan S.R.L. may revoke the right of the Customer to participate in the “NashiLovers Club” in case of fraudulent actions, attempted fraud or theft and/or attempted theft inside a Nashi Argan point of sale, misuse and/or deception of the loyalty programme “NashiLovers Club”, actions aimed at disturbing and/or preventing the correct functioning of the loyalty programme “NashiLovers of purchases in an exaggeratedly high number of products within a day and/or in different days, of non-payment of the purchased products within the term of 1 (one) month from the reminder of Nashi Argan S.R.L., in every other case of violation of the conditions of the present Regulations or of behaviours detrimental to the image and the brand “Nashi Argan”.

Moreover, after information, Nashi Argan S.R.L. reserves the right to cancel the Client from the “NashiLovers Club” in case of inactivity of the Client for a period exceeding 2 years.

In case of cancellation and deactivation the Client can no longer enjoy the advantages and services of the “NashiLovers Club”.

Nashi Argan S.R.L. is not responsible for eventual consequences, direct or indirect, connected to dysfunctions of the loyalty programme not dependent on its own will.

Nashi Argan S.R.L. is not responsible for any fraudulent, improper or abusive use of the computer tools used to manage the “NashiLovers Club” loyalty programme.

11. Contact

For any other information regarding “NashiLovers Club”, the Customer can consult the site www.nashiargan.it, contact the customer care at the email nashi@nashiargan.it, or contact any Nashi Argan point of sale adhering to the initiative.

I confirm that I have read the above Rules and Terms of Use, that I have understood their contents and that I accept all that they contain

Last Update: 29/07/2024